7 Expert Public Speaking Tips to Persuade Audience

Write a Writing
5 min readOct 28, 2020


Skills & Expertise, Public Speaking, Audience Talks
7 Experts Public Speaking Tips to Persuade Audience

Facing a large crowd on a stage is a fear that is prevalent among almost all of us. Not many can say that they never had trouble going public or presenting something in front of their audience.

Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking is a skill that enhances your confidence and lets you present your idea or discussion with a strong stance. With as many benefits as it may present to you, public speaking does require lots of effort.

Public Speaking, Skills & Techniques, Audience Engagement
Public Speaking Skills

When we say confidence is the key to almost everything, we tend to ignore the potential of the quote. When it comes to addressing a group, class, or any audience, confidence can take your public speaking skills to a level where you can easily send your message through without hesitation.

What is Audience Listening?

Audience listening is the art of identifying your audience’s needs. To recognize their problems through listening and empathize with them to provide a solution for them.

Audience Talk, Listening & Persuasion, Public Speaking
Discovering What Audience Listens to

Not many understand that only speaking cannot make a person a good speaker. If you do not learn to listen and identify people’s problems, you will never be able to deliver a great speech. Listening makes you a great speaker. It is one of the skills that many public speakers lack. When you do not listen, you fail to address the public properly.

7 Tips to Become an Expert Public Speaker

Public Speakers, Expertise & Skills, Tips & Tricks
7 Tips to Become an Expert Public Speaker

Most famous public speakers are not successful in their professions because they can speak well. Only words cannot attain what you hope to achieve from your speech. There are certain techniques that you have to follow to be an expert at public speaking. Following are some of the main features of it:

1- Engage with the Audience

Public Speakers are not good with only words. They know that only words cannot fulfill the needs of the audience. To deliver a great presentation, you have to engage with the audience. Get them involved in your speech, let them feel that they are an important part of your segment.

There are one too many ways of engaging your audience with your discourse. You can start by sharing experiences from which they can connect. This is a great approach as storytelling has been one of the best tactics to increase the level of your audience’s interest.

2- Ask Them Questions During the Talk

Your audience, at any time, can lose interest in your talk. They can feel alienated while you are breaking it down for them. It is the worst thing that can happen to a public speaker because your speech or your presentation cannot achieve anything if the people it is directed to lose their focus on it. To avoid these chaotic scenarios, your best option is to keep asking them questions frequently to let them feel to be a part of your talk. Asking questions will not only bring responses from your audience but their responses will also give you a greater area to talk. You can pick patterns and identify their needs and problems from their responses. By doing this, you will be addressing the main issues that they are facing.

3- Use Props for Effective Communication

To deliver a great performance and for effective communication, you may opt for props to give better visual representations of your vision. What words cannot express, props and other tools can easily accomplish. A number of times there is so much in your mind of which you know words cannot draw a proper sketch for your audience. This is where your props come. Your props can be anything or any tool that can go in your favor, which you can use to better visualize an idea. It can be multimedia, presentation tools, or anything that you can utilize to draw a better picture of your ideas.

4- Do not Read!

Reading notes during your presentation from a paper was plausible when you were in 6th grade. Not only does it give the wrong impression of not knowing your subject from the heart, but it also does not let you explain your point of view much. When you read from a paper while you are addressing a public, the only thing you are focusing on is what is written on the paper. You are not coming up with original thoughts. You are not explaining anything rather reading aloud what is written on the paper. Write down important key points only for your understanding if necessary. Own the stage; focus more people than on paper.

5- Learn from the Experts

Leaders are the ones who never stop learning. They keep the doors of learning open for themselves no matter what position they reach. If you want to be a good public speaker, you should learn from the experts. Take the counsel from your seniors, watch tutorials, take notes, and attend seminars. In other words, use any medium that can help you uplift your skills.

People with experience often have great pieces of advice, which we tend to ignore. Leverage that advice for your public speaking skills. Sit down with experts, open your mind for learning, and start taking notes.

6- Establish Eye Contact

Some people are great at speaking yet they are not great public speakers. Why? Because they tend to stare at walls and not at people while they are having a go at their speeches. This happens due to a lack of confidence. When you lack confidence, you lack the skill to maintain eye contact with your audience. Often people run out of words when they try to establish eye contact with others. This again is the negligence of practice and confidence. Start with a little audience and a little presentation. Maintain eye contact with them during your presentation. This may trouble you in the beginning but when you get used to it, you will be able to communicate better with your audience.

7- Simplify the Complicated Discussions

Many times, we think that what we can digest will also be easy for other people to comprehend. There must be hundreds of complicated ideas in your speech that your audience will most likely fail to understand and the reason that you take their intelligence for granted can be the reason for the failure of your success at public speaking. When you master all the key elements of public speaking yet you are unable to gain your audience’s confidence, you must be doing something wrong. Simplify your discussion with your addressees. Let them sink in what you are trying to deliver. Explain the complicated terms. Speak in their language and use terminologies that they will understand.



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